Language and Literature – Blog


On March 29, the Cortijo Miraflores in Marbella hosted the awards ceremony for the 2017 Youth Literature Showcase in which six of our students were finalists. Colegio Alborán has participated with students from 2nd year of ESO to 2nd year of Baccalaureate in the three types of Literature: Short Narrative, Short Story and Poetry.
The MarbellaCREA Contest, coordinated by the Marbella Town Hall, through the Marbella Youth Area, tries to arouse interest in creative writing and encourage the appearance of new writers.
In this Contest, our student Pablo Álvarez Serrano, from 1st year of Baccalaureate, won the First Prize for Micro-story with his work "Deception".
We offer our most sincere congratulations to him and to all our participants. Read more

The Colegio Alborán has participated, through the Department of Language and Literature, in the Coca-Cola Young Talents Contest, Short Story Award, which this year reaches its 57th edition.

This year there have been six selected 2nd ESO participants who represented our center on Saturday, March 25 and lived the adventure of being writers for a day.

This Literary Contest is the one with the greatest participation in our country and with it we try to promote the interest of young people in writing and literature.

Starting from a very original narrative stimulus, the students composed their story, using their imagination, coherence of the text, grammatical correctness and especially the illusion that motivates them to participate as tools.

An experience they will never forget.

Some photos below. Read more

We believe that one of the most enriching activities for students is meeting with writers, as it represents a perfect excuse to encourage students to read and learn directly about the process of creating a book.

Thus, on March 22, to continue the celebration of World Poetry Day, the writer and Language and Literature teacher Patricia García-Rojo Cantón visited the Colegio Alborán.
This activity, organized by the Department of Language and Literature in collaboration with Editorial SM, offered the students the opportunity to reflect with the author herself, who highlighted the importance of reading in the training of young people.

Our Secondary Education students have read and worked on their titles “El mar”, a work that won the Gran Angular prize, and “Lobo, el camino de la venganza”, with which he was a finalist for the Gran Angular and Hache prizes. He defined these works as "a white story about happiness" and "a red story about revenge" respectively.

The attendees were very involved and participated with great interest in this session, in which he told us about his first book "The Creator Factory" and also gave us a preview of his upcoming books.
Patricia, in a very close environment, explained to us, at the request of our students, her creative process that takes place in four stages: creation of the idea and its development (imagination stage), planning of schemes and drawings (black notebook), writing and final correction.

He encouraged everyone to be constant, because "only through effort and perseverance is perfection achieved."

The writer shared her literary experiences with our students while encouraging them to be regular readers, since "reading has made her very happy."

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World Poetry Day, also called the Spring of Poets, was proclaimed by UNESCO and is celebrated on March 21, on the spring equinox in order to "reflect on the power of poetic language and the flowering of poetic capacities." creators of each person.
From the Language and Literature and English departments, at Colegio Alborán we try to consecrate the essential word by celebrating this important Day and throughout the week we carry out carry out acts and poetic celebrations. In the first cycle of Secondary Education we have carried out poetic recitals and multiple readings, in which the students of 1st and 2nd ESO have visited the classrooms of the last cycle of Primary Education to declaim poems of their own creation and established poets before their classmates.

In this way, we reflect on the capacity and power of poetic language to convey emotions and suggest feelings.

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On March 6, Rafael Salmerón, a writer and illustrator of books and posters, visited our school. Salmerón, who has been illustrating children's and young people's books since 1993 and has published more than 25 titles, spoke to them, in a friendly and close way, from his perspective as a writer and as an illustrator.

He introduced the attendees to the fantastic task of an illustrator, which is nothing more than "translating from verbal language to the iconic language of images". He also highlighted the importance of illustrations in a book, highlighting its advantages, such as that they serve to complete it, so that the message is better understood and that it helps to immerse readers in the story and in the identification of characters. However, he also commented that if it is not done well it can cause the opposite effect. Since, as he explained, "how something is said is as important as what is said itself", so we have to adapt the drawings to the narrated story.

Rafael is, as our Secondary students discovered, a very prolific author: he has illustrated more than 70 children's books and with the "Beltrán el erizo" series he begins as a writer.

 He focused on the work "La tejedora de la muerte", by the writer Concha López Narváez, which he has illustrated, read this year in the first cycle of ESO.

The students showed special interest in his works "Noah's kite", "A ball for a bullet" and "27 heartbeats", stories that convey values ​​of dreams and hopes in a real context of today's youth.

He told stories, interacted with the attendees, drew for us and gave us some beautiful drawings. He knew how to convey his passion for writing, with "the one that has full creative freedom".

 In short, it was a very interesting and fun meeting, in which there was time to clarify all the doubts of the students, who actively participated and learned a lot. Read more

Time is very valuable and you have to use it well to review the tenses.

In the first cycle of ESO we use Gamification in the area of ​​Language and Literature. On this occasion, with the game dynamics The dating clock, with which they learn all the modes and tenses in a fun and different way. Read more

The letter with game enters. This is what we believe at Colegio Alborán, where our students in the first cycle of Secondary review all the rules of this letter in Language with interactive games that amuse them while they learn.

As this letter we all remain: mute, when verifying how easy it is in this way to study the spelling rules.

Gamifying consists of using game mechanics in contexts that in themselves are not games. Using these game mechanics is what motivates students and builds knowledge that they will never forget. . This type of learning is increasingly gaining ground in methodologies due to its playful nature, which facilitates the internalization of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive experience for students. In fact, the results of this experience could not have been more enriching for our students. Read more