3, 2, 1… Action! 2017-18

How do you learn more, with theory or with practice? Theoretical contents are necessary to advance in the learning of any area of ​​knowledge, but in order to retain them and make them useful, it is better to experiment with them. This is the basis of the pedagogical methodology called learn by (“learning by doing”). If, in addition, we combine this methodology with the team work, we get the skills of some to be shared with those of the rest of the team.

In the field of Plastic and Visual in 2nd ESO, our students have improved their knowledge of audiovisual language using the methodologies learning by doing y work cooperative. To do this, he has made a short where the different types of shots should be shown, using different sound effects according to the content and shots.

Below we attach one of the most terrifying results of this activity, carried out by Darío Gómez, Melanie Herlevsen, Marta Iturmendi and Inés Hernández. !! Congratulations!!