Excursion to Fuente de Piedra. 1st of ESO. 2019-20

The class of 1st of ESO, within the program of environmental and multi-adventure activities that the Center programs, traveled last Friday, October 11 to the towns of Fuente de Piedra and Mollina. There, in the middle of nature, our students have carried out a series of recreational, training and educational activities. Among all of them, we can highlight mountain hiking, the active environment classroom, socializing games, sports gymkhanas, rock climbing and an interesting day of initiation to speleology.

An experience as fun as it is enriching.

  1. Veronica
    Veronica He says:

    The school gives me peace of mind in the school education of my two children. Truly thanks to the school for bringing so much happiness and learning to the children.

    • Alboran College
      Alboran College He says:

      Thank you very much for your comment. We are pleased that you share our values ​​and our vision of education.

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