Tag listing: visits_fathersandmothers

Year 6. Bandages first aid. 2017-18

Year 6 is working on unit 4, which is about health and to finish the unit this week the mother of one of our students visited us. It was very kind of her to volunteer and explain how to apply bandages in various situations. Her help from her was much…

Visit of the father of Claudia and María. 1st and 2nd of Primary Education. 2017-18

Our 1st and 2nd grade students have received a visit from Claudia and María's father. Miguel, a traumatologist, has explained to us what the bones of our skeleton are like and what some of them are called. We have also learned...

Zumba workshop in 3rd grade of Primary Education. 2017-18

The boys and girls 3rd of Primary Education have enjoyed a spectacular #zumba "master class" this afternoon. The workshop has been directed by José and by the mother of Jesus and Mary. Thanks a lot!