
59th Edition of the Coca-Cola Young Talent Short Story Contest. 2018-19

Four participants from 2nd ESO: Manuel, Zein, Lucas and Dana, have represented the Alborán School, going on Saturday, March 23, to the Faculty of Commerce and Management of Malaga, to live intensely the adventure of being writers for a day.

The Department of Language and Literature of our center has been in charge of coordinating the participation of its students in the Coca-Cola Young Talents Contest, which this year reaches its 59th edition.

This important Literature Contest, whose primary purpose is to encourage young people's interest in writing and reading, is the longest running in our country.

Starting from an original narrative stimulus, unveiled that same day, in this case an hourglass, the young students must compose their story, freeing their imagination to tell a story, using their creativity and illusion as tools.

Our students have really enjoyed this great literary experience that they will never forget.