Andalucia's day. 2021-22

Today has been a very special day in our center. We begin with an explanation of the origin and importance of the Andalusian Day celebration. After listening to the Andalusian anthem, we have observed a minute of silence and we have released a pigeon for world peace.

In addition to enjoying a wonderful Andalusian breakfast with bread, olive oil and “colorá” butter, our students have participated in this celebration in different ways. Some of them have been musical performances, dances and poems.

The theater has also had its space. Our 6th grade Primary Education students have shared with their classmates and teachers the play "Caperusita Colorá", an Andalusian version of the classic tale "Little Red Riding Hood" that has delighted the audience.

In short, it has been a day dedicated to our Andalusian land, which puts the finishing touch to all the work on this subject that has been carried out in class in recent weeks.

Good job and happy holidays!