
Theatrical performance "Don Juan Tenorio" by Zorrilla. 2019-20.

Our 3rd, 4th ESO and Baccalaureate students attended the theatrical performance of the play "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla at the Superior School of Dramatic Art in Malaga on November 6. He has been the…

Talk rhyming course. Poetry recital Pilar Paz Pasamar. 2019-20.

Our 3rd and 4th ESO students, through the Department of Language and Literature, attended the Teatro Ciudad de Marbella on October 29, which hosted the first session of this course of the Rhymed Speaking Course Cycle, dedicated on this occasion…

The Hatless. Condemned to oblivion 2018-19.

With these works carried out in the language and literature subject of 4th ESO, we intend to pay homage to the Sinsombrero women. To all those outstanding artists of the Generation of '27, who were brave and transgressive, who…

XXIII Poetry Contest for schoolchildren "Poets of 27". 2018-19.

On June 8, the Colegio Alborán attended the awards ceremony of the Poetry Contest for schoolchildren "Poetas del 27", which this year reaches its XXIII edition, and which is convened by the Culture Department of the City Council...

XXX Cultural Week. Day of the book. 2018-19

In order to continue promoting creativity in our students, Colegio Alborán has carried out numerous and varied activities to celebrate Book Day, which this year reaches its XXX edition. The hall has become...

Literary meeting with Irene Marín Jiménez. 2018-19.

"We are all potential writers." Nothing better to close Book Day than a very interesting literary meeting with a writer as special as Irene Marín, teacher and director of CEIP Sierra Bermeja who studied…

Literary meeting with the writer Don Sergio Barce Gallardo. 2018-19

To commemorate Book Day, the Department of Language and Literature of the Alborán School has organized an interesting literary meeting with the writer Sergio Barce. The writer from Malaga and Lara shared with all the students...

"Hablar Curso Rimado", poetic recital dedicated to Fernán Caballero. 2018-19

The students of the four courses of Secondary Education and the 1st year of the Alborán College, through the Department of Language and Literature, attended the Teatro Ciudad de Marbella on April 10, which hosted the Project “Speak…

Visit of D. Rafael Salmerón, writer and illustrator. 2018-19.

To celebrate International Children's and Youth Book Day (April 2 to commemorate the date of birth of the writer Hans Christian Andersen) the Department of Language and Literature of the Alborán School organized, in collaboration…

Spring the classroom alters. 2018-19

Contact with nature provides a series of very interesting benefits: we stimulate creativity, reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. For this reason, when spring arrives we use our classrooms outdoors…