
XXI Poetry Contest for schoolchildren «Poetas del 27». 2016-17.

The Alborán School, through the Department of Language and Literature, has participated with great success in the XXI Poetry Contest for schoolchildren "Poetas del 27" convened by the Department of Culture of the Malaga City Council. In the emotional...

Reading proyet. Promotion of reading. 2016-17

From the Department of Language and Literature we promote reading throughout the year. Within our Reading Project we develop activities in the Secondary courses. In this case, we present some of the videos they have developed…

Versions of the tales of Count Lucanor. 2016-17

The 1st Baccalaureate students have adapted the stories of Count Lucanor to the current reality since the human condition and its behavior continue to be a topical issue.

Theatrical performances at the Alborán School. 2016-17

The students of 2nd of ESO, in the subject of Language and Literature, have represented for Primary and Secondary two plays, "The testament" and "The crazy class of 2nd of ESO". In the first one, intrigue is masterfully combined...

XXVIII Cultural Week. Book Day (V). Summary of the day. 2016-17

The Department of Language and Literature and Classical Languages ​​has carried out numerous and varied activities on Book Day, the purpose of which is to promote reading and continue to foster the creativity of our students. Education and culture...

XXVIII Cultural Week. Book Day (III). Literary meeting with the writer Dña. Carmen Ramos. 2016-17

The best way to commemorate World Book Day is with an interesting literary gathering. This is how we understand it in the Department of Language and Literature, which we organize to promote a taste for reading. In this animation activity…

XXVIII Cultural Week. Book Day (II). What is your reason to read?

The 1st ESO students have made a fun and creative video about the different reasons for reading, each one has provided the reasons that drive them to read, which have turned out to be as original as themselves.

XXVIII Cultural Week. Book Day (I). Poems in the Centennial of Gloria Fuertes.

To commemorate the first centenary of the birth of Gloria Fuertes, the 4th grade students have used the new IPad applications to record a Podcast with the best-known poems and some of their own creation by "the poet...