UCMAS Championship of the Alborán School. 2018-19

On May 23, the UCMAS 2019 Championship of the Alborán School in Marbella took place. The students of Primary Education who are currently participating in this center project participated in it. The UCMAS program allows us to promote in them a series of very important skills and competencies for their future performance. Among others, we can highlight concentration, mental calculation, listening, observation, visual memory, imagination and creativity.

In addition to having the assistance of the families, they were also present as those responsible for UCMAS Spain Toni Egea and Cati Rigo.

During the appointment, there was not only an Orals and Mentals competition, but we were also able to enjoy some interesting UCMAS demonstrations and games that allowed the attending parents to learn more about the techniques and methods used in our sessions. We also carried out the presentation of the new app that, developed by UCMAS, allows us to complement all these activities in a playful and effective way, our students love it!

The delivery of diplomas was carried out according to the different courses and levels:

1st of Primary Education, who participated with the ABAKIN 1 level.

2st of Primary Education, who participated with the ABAKIN 2 level.

3st of Primary Education, who participated with the ABAKIN 3 level.

4st of Primary Education, who participated with the ABAKIN 4 level.

The event, which was enlivened by the entertaining performances of the "Wizard Fran Qué", concluded with the awarding of medals to the winners of the championship in their respective levels.