Closing ceremony of the course. 2018-19.

with the ceremony of closing de Secondary education and Baccalaureate held last Friday the 21st, the Colegio Alborán put the finishing touch to the 2018-2019 academic year.

The gala began with the delivery of diplomas and scholarships to students graduating from 4th year of Secondary Education. Celia Ruiz, as class representative, and Paula Mata and María Mesa, some of the oldest students, dedicated words of gratitude for all these years. After having successfully passed this cycle educaptive, our students are beginning a new stage in Baccalaureate with enthusiasm, for which we want to wish them the best of luck.

During the event, which was entertained by the Bahía Quartet, a few minutes were dedicated to enjoying the projection of the best images of the trips organized by the Department of Cultural Activities under the motto “Because traveling is walking… a dream”.

After the delivery of the honorable mentions to the students who have excelled in any of the subjects or in the entire course, Marta Mesa had some moving words to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the center.

The closing speech was given by Mr. José Luis González Moyano, Technical Director. In a close and very emotional tone, Mr. José Luis, wished success and luck to the students who finish their stage in the center.

After the ceremony, the party continued with a dinner in a relaxed and familiar atmosphere.