
Conference on Contemporary Art by D. Fernando Francés. 2020-21

To commemorate that yesterday we celebrated the International Museum Day, we want to share some moments of the master class offered to the students of the subject 'Fundamentals of Art', Mr. Fernando Francés, director of the Contemporary Center of Malaga since it was inaugurated in the 2003 until 2017, the year in which he joined the government of the Junta de Andalucía as general secretary of culture.
Fernando Francés offered his vision of the world of contemporary art to the students of the 2nd year of the Art Baccalaureate, placing special emphasis on the importance of choosing in life what makes them happy over any other less philosophical consideration.
The students were able to resolve doubts and listen in the words of Fernando Francés to the definition of contemporary art as an appreciation of the intangible favored by an acquired intellectual development.
In the conversation, the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts arose, which has recently been awarded to the artist Marina Abramovic, who exhibited at the CAC Málaga in 2014 with a massive influx. The anecdote of the press conference prior to the exhibition caught the attention of the students, when Abramovic, when asked about her role as a woman in the art world, answered: "I am not a woman artist, I am an artist and spot. Art has no gender”