
Day without uniform in favor of the Asis Association. 2018-19.

Today we have carried out one of the actions planned in our Solidarity Project: the Day without Uniform. During this day, students can go to school without said uniform in exchange for a small donation for a charitable cause. Second year of Baccalaureate has also decided to participate, but in his case, wearing colorful costumes.

The collection obtained with this day, which has amounted to the amount of 675 euros, has gone to Assisi (Solidarity Association of Social Integration), a regional NGO for all of Andalusia that, since 2002, has aimed to help the most disadvantaged and support people in precarious situations and social exclusion.

Assisi, which was declared of public utility by the Ministry of the Interior in 2008, provides solidarity in the face of poverty, loneliness, abandonment and disorientation of young people because "it dreams of building a more fraternal and supportive world".

Alejandro Parra and Irina López (2nd year Baccalaureate student), together with Elena García have been the volunteers in charge of explaining to our Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate students the projects of said association and the different areas in which they collaborate: employment programs , literacy courses, attention to basic needs, legal advice, training, and cooperation projects. Likewise, it carries out specific campaigns to distribute toys and food to minors during the Christmas period, projects that have sensitized our young people.

During their visit, through explanatory talks and an explanatory video, they conveyed the important work carried out by volunteers, while encouraging the altruistic participation of all those who share the concern in situations of social inequality.

Colegio Alborán is excited to have been able to collaborate with this association located in Benalmádena that last year served more than 3000 people in need thanks to the selfless work of more than 400 volunteers whose motto "hope is the basis of change" put into practice diary.
