
Non-uniform day. 2022-23

Our educational project is not only focused on academic education, but also on instilling authentic values. That is why, throughout the course, at Colegio Alborán we encourage the participation, collaboration and involvement of our students in activities carried out by various Non-Governmental Organizations.

On this occasion, we want to promote the initiative to collect donations for AMUM (Association of University Women of Marbella), a non-profit association whose objective is to facilitate access to university for girls in Marbella who, due to economic difficulties, must abandon their life projects to dedicate themselves to other tasks.
For this reason, today we have carried out the Day without Uniform. During this day, students who wish to participate can attend the center without uniform in exchange for making a donation for this cause.

We want to express our gratitude for the involvement shown by both our students and the center staff. Thanks to your collaboration, we have managed to raise a total of €643, which will be donated entirely for this noble cause.

Thank you all!

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