Literary meeting with Ana Alonso, 2023-24

“Reading allows us to be critical of the world we live in.”
The Language Department of Alborán School, in coordination with Editorial Anaya, held on February 22 an enriching literary meeting with Ana Alonso, poet, translator and a reference in children's and youth literature.
Our objective with this activity to encourage reading is to promote a taste for literature and for students to have the opportunity to express their concerns to current authors about any aspect of the creative process until the publication of a book.
The writer focused on the works read by our students in the classrooms. Thus, she explained the origin of “The Berlin Dream” (winner of the Anaya Prize for Children's and Young People's Literature), stating, with great sensitivity, that she is passionate about the inner world of people, which is why she identifies with the character.
He also highlighted the importance of reading and “knowing how to see beyond our problems, since it is our way of fighting against them.”
For his part, he commented that the work “Plastic Seas” conveys care for the environment while fighting to break gender stereotypes.
Ana Alonso, with more than 150 books published and the recognition of important awards and mentions, kindly responded to all the questions and doubts raised and signed copies of her books.
The attending students from three Secondary years have actively participated in this meeting that tries to promote reading and creative writing.
It has been an honor for our center to receive Ana Alonso, in such an interesting activity that helps develop the imagination.

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