Literary meeting with Don Antonio A. Gómez Yebra. Course 2019-20.

On November 7, a stimulating activity took place at our school: a literary meeting with D. Antonio A. Gómez Yebra, prolific author of Children's and Youth Literature, novelist and poet, as well as a professor at UMA.

In order to promote a taste for poetry from an early age, he shared with the students of 6th grade Kids and first cycle of Primary poems from his work "Menuda poesía", a book with a prologue by Manuel Alcántara that enchanted all the students.

The young attendees participated actively and enjoyed Don Antonio a lot, to whom they dedicated verses of their own creation, while they staged, together with their teachers, his poem "Exaggeration", dedicated to grandmothers.

In a pleasant and relaxed meeting, Gómez Yebra knew how to convey the importance of reading in order to be able to write correctly without spelling mistakes.