
Literary meeting with Miguel Ángel Oeste. 2023-24

“Books help make minds bright.”
The Department of Language and Literature of the Alborán School organizes numerous activities to encourage reading throughout the course, among which we highlight literary meetings with authors.
Thus, on February 19, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house, we hosted the visit of Miguel Ángel Oeste, a writer from Malaga, in our center in order to encourage children and young people to enjoy books.
Miguel Ángel Oeste is also a documentary director and screenwriter, critic, film director and collaborator in culture, film and music magazines. In a relaxed atmosphere, she has shared with the students of the last two cycles of Primary her works “Carlota wants to read,” (a work she created for her daughter) and “Sofía, the ant without antennas,” books read by our students. making comparisons between the cobwebs that fill the brains of people who do not read and those that occupy dirty corners. “Books help make minds bright.”
In this literary meeting, he stressed the value of respect and acceptance of those who are different from us and the importance of being oneself, “because we are all unique and different,” encouraging Primary students to water their imagination, as if It will be a plant, so that it does not wither or die.
Likewise, he has highlighted the importance of reading, defining himself as “a reader who writes” and has managed to awaken the curiosity of the attendees, advising them to observe their surroundings, try to look inside people and reflect on the outside world: “ “You have to be curious and passionate about life.”
In a close and relaxed environment, the students have enjoyed and shown interest in the explanation of the elements to create a story: the space in which it takes place, the creation of adventures, the characters (main and secondary) and the values ​​that we want to transmit.
Our students have actively participated and have been able to convey their doubts and concerns to the author, who has published more than fifteen books and has received numerous awards.
It has been a great honor for our center to receive this writer, who has stated to the surprise of the students that “writing is playing” if we know how to pull the thread when we have ideas, and this happens if we are attentive to the world around us.

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