
Awards ceremony VIII Alborán College Photographic Marathon. 2021-22

On November 16, the prize-giving ceremony for the VIII Colegio Alborán Photographic Marathon took place, in which all our Artistic Baccalaureate students participated, as well as the 2nd year of Image and Sound Baccalaureate.
In this, our eighth edition of our long-awaited contest, the Department of Arts has organized two modalities: "Portrait" and "Free theme", with images of nature and unique details of our center.
The participants, with great involvement, have taken very original photographs, in color and in black and white, edited and spontaneous, portraits and corners that capture the essence of our center and exude creativity.
It has been very difficult for the jury to choose the winning photographs, given the high quality of the participating works.
Congratulations to all contest participants!
The winners have been:
In the Portrait category:

– First Prize: Paula Caraballo Toré.
– Second Prize: Macarena Stevenson.
– Third Prize: Marina Hernansáez Gómez.
– Finalist: Alexia Villar Castillo.

In the Free Theme category:

– First Prize: Leo John Cowan.
– Second Prize: Manuel Jiménez Pedraja.
– Third Prize: Héctor Asesio González.
– Finalist: Lucia Molina Cuadra.