Mrs. Emilia Herrero

Interview with Mrs. Emilia Herrero Sánchez

We have had the pleasure of meeting with Emilia, teacher of ESO and Baccalaureate, of Language, Latin and Universal Literature.

"Education should not only be the transmission of knowledge, it should be based on support, respect, and why not? affection"

1. Susana and Fabiana: How long have you been working at Colegio Alborán?
Emily: This is my sixth course here, and I continue with the same enthusiasm as in the month of October 6 years ago that I arrived.

2. Susana and Fabiana: Do you like your job?
Emily: Yes, I love teaching. Of all my work experience, teaching is what satisfies me the most because it covers many facets of life in which to feel fulfilled as a professional and as a person.

Mrs. Emilia Herrero Sánchez

Mrs. Emilia Herrero

3. Susana and Fabiana: What jobs did you do before coming to this center?
Emily: He worked in Alcampo Human Resources. First I was working in Madrid and then I asked for a transfer to Marbella, where I am delighted, life is wonderful here due to its climate and the character of its "people".

4. Susana and Fabiana: How many years have you been teaching?
Emily: When I was young I gave private lessons (smiles). It was gratifying to realize that you help improve another person while giving you confidence in yourself to persevere in your studies.
In my work in Human Resources, I gave training courses to workers who were starting out in the company. A fairly comprehensive training was given because it was one of the company's strong points, such as: customer service, occupational risk prevention,... It was one of the parts I liked the most about my job and there I understood that what I most I liked to teach. The students rated the trainer, which helped me, as well as improving my self-esteem...

5. Susana and Fabiana: What do you like to do most about your job? And what less?
Emily: What I like the most above all is seeing the progress of the students, it is what motivates all the teachers the most. It is a very positive experience to help young students, who do not know something and are progressing little by little until they assimilate the knowledge. Sometimes they come with preconceived ideas towards Latin and think that they are very bad at it, in those cases it is motivating to see how in the end they learn a lot and even enjoy the explanations.
And what I like the least (laughs out loud) is correcting the exams.

6. Susana and Fabiana: What do you like to do most in your free time? What are your hobbies?
Emily: I really like playing sports and above all walking outdoors. I also like to read, watch movies, good movies, if possible. And of course being with friends and family. It is a fundamental part of our life, sharing those moments.

7. Susana and Fabiana: We know that you studied Classical Philology. What also led you to study Teaching?
Emily: When I realized that I was passionate about teaching, unfortunately Education in Letters is losing momentum and is taught less and less. So I decided to continue studying to be able to dedicate myself to teaching, and that's how it was. In Teaching I learned a lot from a more pedagogical perspective. I am glad to have continued my education, I really enjoyed going back to classes, to the University with all that it implies: classmates of different ages and new knowledge, all this made me excited and energetic to face the challenge.
In the end I found work related to my first studies, classical languages, but it is a pity that in the current system there is little room for humanistic training in general, linguistics, word formation, philosophy, in short, culture, because which is an essential part of being human.

Mrs. Emilia Herrero Sámchez

Mrs. Emilia Herrero

8. Susana and Fabiana: You have said that you like to read. What kind of books?
Emily: I love reading, for me reading is like a "vice", because not a day goes by that I don't read something new.
The genre that I like the most is the historical novel, because it is closely related to what I have studied. I really like to understand how human life has evolved, to be able to visualize that time in which those characters lived. Although of course I also read the novelties that are worthwhile due to criticism or recommendations, of any genre.

9. Susana and Fabiana: In your classes you talk to us a lot about the importance of effort. Do you think effort is important nowadays?
Emily: Yes, it is essential. It is a pity that young people perceive the opposite in today's society. Society today does not educate in the value of effort and perseverance. That is why I believe that for the teachers at Colegio Alborán, effort is a very important facet.
I recently received a joke on WhatsApp that said: "How do I explain to my son that in a "Know and win" contest where you have to have a lot of cultural knowledge, you win an average of 1000 to 3000 euros, and yet , if you participate in a reality show, such as Big Brother, The Island, etc. can you win 300.000?”
Although it is a joke, it is what we transmit to the new generations, but that is not the reality, because to achieve something you have to work hard. Life puts everyone in their place, sooner or later.

By Susana Lozano and Fabiana Cerdán