
Food for Bancosol. 2019-20

Dear families,

This year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, we will not be able to collect food for Bancosol, as we have been doing through the spring Kilo campaign. Just when the economic situation is going to affect the beneficiary families the most, it is even likely that the number of families that come to ask for help will increase. Therefore, on this occasion, Bancosol is going to carry out a "Virtual Collection" on April 10 and 11, with economic donations that will be used to convert them into oil, milk, legumes, preserves...


Account number: ES38 2103 0285 7100 3000 2314
Micro-donations on Teaming.net: BANCOSOL

A little from many becomes a great help. Thank you so much. 

#Stay at home

Dear families,

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this year we are notable to proceed with the collection of food for Bancosol, as we have been doing for a few years now, through the campaign “Kilo de primavera”. Right at this time, when the families that benefit from this campaign are going to need it even more, the number of families in need of help will increase.

Therefore, Bancosol has organized a “virtual collection”, during the 10th and 11th of April, which will consist of monetary donations which Bancosol will use to get in goods (oil, milk, tins of vegetables, etc) for these families

If you would like to contribute, please donate to the following account:

ES38 2103 0285 7100 3000 2314

Microdonations to Teaming.net: BANCOSOL
A bit from everyone becomes a big help!!!!

Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.

