4th ESO graduation and closing ceremony of the 2022-23 academic year.

Colegio Alborán ended the 2022/2023 academic year in a spectacular way with an exciting closing ceremony on Friday, June 23.

The gala began with the delivery of diplomas and scholarships to the students who graduated from 4th year of Secondary Education. Our dear students offered some moving words of gratitude for all these years. From these lines, we want to express our gratitude and wish them the best in this new stage that they are beginning.

The evening was musically enlivened by our students Carmen Merino, Manuel Peñalver and Adrián Encuentra, who, together with the MusicFun! coordinator, Iván Cuenca, offered various performances that delighted the attendees.

After the delivery of honorable mentions to the outstanding students in different subjects or throughout the course, the 2nd year Baccalaureate students, María Koloskova and Óscar Martín, gave heartfelt farewell words and thanks on behalf of all their classmates. , that after a brilliant passage through the PEVAU begin a new stage that we wish them full of success.

The closing speech was given, on this occasion, by Mr. Santiago Gutiérrez Palomo who concluded the present academic year with some simple but very moving words, dedicated to our Technical Director.

After the ceremony, the party continued with a dinner prepared by our kitchen team. We all enjoyed a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere.
We want to thank all the families for their attendance at this event, as well as for the trust placed once again in our institution.
We wish you a happy holiday!

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