
Talk rhyming course. Poetry recital Pilar Paz Pasamar. 2019-20.

Our 3rd and 4th ESO students, through the Department of Language and Literature, attended the Teatro Ciudad de Marbella on October 29, which hosted the first session of this course of the Rhyming Course Speaking Cycle, dedicated on this occasion to Pilar Paz Pasamar , poet from Cádiz of the poetic generation of 1950.

The purpose of this activity is to promote a taste for poetic texts and is coordinated by Don Antonio Gómez Yebra, Professor of Language and Literature at the UMA, novelist and poet. Launched by the Municipal Delegation of Culture and Education of the Marbella Town Hall, it is an interesting opportunity to bring poetry closer to the youngest and promote its recitation in public.

The excellent presentation of Pilar Paz Pasamar by D. Antonio Gómez Yebra made the attending students learn a lot about this author whose hometown annually awards the "Pilar Paz Pasamar" prize for short stories and poetry for women and who was named author of the year 2015 by the Andalusian Center of Letters.

Likewise, they appreciated her courage not only for writing and collaborating in important magazines at a time when it was very difficult for women, but also for being part of the poetic group "Las tremendistas".

Next, some students from our center participated by reciting selected fragments of the most representative works of this Andalusian writer described by Juan Ramón Jiménez as a “great girl”.

Let us also vindicate as this author of special sensitivity that gives a magical meaning to everything that surrounds her "the perpetual childhood of the heart that is poetry."