International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2020-21

The Alborán School has carried out various awareness-raising activities to commemorate one more year the International Day against gender violence. With all of them we intend to show every November 25 our rejection of violence in general and more specifically of the most widespread in the world.

For our center, education in values ​​such as equality, tolerance, respect and non-violence is essential.

We inaugurate the day by reading our institutional commitment and observing a minute of silence as a sign of respect for all the victims.

Likewise, in the classrooms we have carried out readings, poems, talks and work exhibitions with the aim of raising awareness in the educational community about the need for equality between men and women.
Likewise, during these weeks we have carried out Micro-stories and Poetry Contests in Secondary and Baccalaureate on this subject, trying to provide a way out of this terrible situation.

The winners have been
In Secondary the winners have been:
Poetry Modality: Carla Moreno Martín (3 ESO), with her poem “La elección”.
Micro-story mode: Lola García Márquez (3 ESO), with her work "It's not worth it."
In Baccalaureate, on the other hand:
Micro-story mode: Sebastián Sánchez-Stewart Tovar, with his story “Frío”.
Finalist: Lucía Cruz Muñoz, for her short story “That's how they love us”.
In the Poetry Modality, the winners of 2 Baccalaureate are:
1st Prize: Eva González Martín, for her poetry “Not one more”.
2nd Prize: Lucía Casado Torres, with her poem “La novia”.
Finalist: Elena Donaire Peralta, for "The night".
On the other hand, the students of 1 of the Baccalaureate of Arts have developed an impressive poster against violence, which will be exhibited in the school hall.
In short, it has been a day of reflection to reject violence and demand an egalitarian and peaceful coexistence.