Language and Literature – Blog


The Language Department of Colegio Alborán has held a stimulating literary meeting on March 18, in this case face-to-face, with Violeta Monreal, a prestigious writer, illustrator and specialist in children's drawing, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house.

Our students in the last three years of Primary and the first years of Secondary have enjoyed this enriching animation activity in two very dynamic sessions of great pedagogical value that have freed the imagination of the attendees and promoted a taste for reading.

In the natural environment of the school, Violeta, a graduate in Fine Arts, shared experiences about her work "Another world around the corner", a book worked on in class that transmits values ​​of solidarity and that is committed to creating a better world.
Encouraging reading, she also spoke about the work of the writer and the illustrator, sharing that she “draws what she sees and the reader draws in his imagination. Each person that she reads interprets in a way, there are thousands of different visions of the same book ”.

The students, very receptive, actively participated in a close encounter in which Violeta encouraged our students to be constant, conveying that it is possible to achieve goals by following three steps: dare and start working, resist and persevere and insist.

Likewise, he stressed the importance of not making fun of others, of overcoming problems and assuming that "I can be wrong, because there are factors that do not depend on me." He explained that it is important to create safe work spaces, where mutual respect prevails.

In an atmosphere of trust, he explained that we must insist many times until we get what we want, explaining that the important thing in art is to do what each one likes, trying not to be influenced by others. "You have to always try, without fear of failure."
At the same time, he stressed that the preparation of the work is fundamental as a previous phase, since it makes us think.

Finally, the writer with a restless spirit with hundreds of published books and a career full of awards and mentions, conveyed the idea that you can draw with all kinds of materials, signed copies of her books and presented our center with two wonderful illustrations. which he did live, with his original technique of drawing and collages made up of torn papers.

It has been a true honor for our center to receive Violeta Monreal, who has expressed solidarity with our Day without a uniform in favor of Ukraine, for which reason blue and yellow drawings predominated in her drawings, turning this country into "a portrait of the soul ”.
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For yet another year, Colegio Alborán has participated with the students of 2nd ESO in the Short Story Young Talents Contest that is held simultaneously throughout Spain and took place on Saturday, March 12.
In it, five students have enjoyed the adventure of being writers for a day.
The Language Department of our center has been in charge of coordinating the participation of its students in the Coca-Cola Young Talent Short Story Contest, which this year, which reaches its 61st edition, has been completely digital, although as exciting as in previous years. .
This important Literature Contest, whose objective is to encourage young people's interest in writing and reading, is the longest running in our country.
Based on an original narrative stimulus, revealed that same day online, our brave students, our participants have had to compose a completely free story using the drawing that they have just revealed, freeing their imagination to tell a story, with a maximum of 800 words. and using their creativity and enthusiasm.
We wish Ludwing, Carmen, Manuel, Andrés and Vladislav good luck and congratulate them for having participated. Read more

The Language Department of our center, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house, has developed an enriching literary meeting on March 8 with Ana Alonso, a reference in children's and youth literature, as part of the activities carried out for International Women's Day.
Our students of three Secondary courses enjoyed this interesting reading animation activity, in two sessions of great educational value.
The writer, poet and translator shared experiences on the works worked on in class El sueño de Berlín, (winner of the Anaya Prize for Children's and Youth Literature), in which she highlighted that "you need a dream, an aspiration to fight for and get out del Pozo de los problemas” and Mares de plástico, which conveys values ​​of fighting for environmental cleanliness while breaking gender stereotypes.
Ana Alonso, who has been writing stories and poems since grade 5 in the school magazine, confessed that writing is useful "to live what cannot be lived in the real world."
He clarified in a very close encounter that at the beginning he wrote in search of a refuge and when he was studying at the university he published his first book of poetry thanks to a contest that he won.
The author encouraged writing and reading youth literature and especially poetry, stating that precisely, given so many audiovisual stimuli "now reading is more necessary than ever, because we need imagination."
In addition, he took advantage of the occasion of Women's Day to convey a message of equality to the young attendees, declaring that, although there are films and literature in which manipulation is shown as romantic love, "a relationship that is not based on power neither control is really authentic, the rest can be toxic”.
The students, very receptive, actively participated in these sessions that served to foster a taste for reading and writing.
He exposed, in a relaxed atmosphere, what it is like to write co-authored, in his case with the writer Javier Pelegrín, (his work and life partner), comparing the film script with literary language.

Finally, the author, who has published more than 150 books and has won many awards, kindly answered all the questions asked and signed copies of her books.

It has been a true honor for Colegio Alborán to receive Ana Alonso, in an activity that helps so much to develop creativity. Read more

The Language Department of the Alborán School, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house, has been able to develop a stimulating literary meeting on February 17 with Mr. Emilio Calderón, historian, editor and writer with more than thirty books published including children's stories, novels, essays or Alexander's biography.

Our students in the last three years of Primary and 1st of Secondary were able to enjoy this interesting activity to encourage reading, in two sessions that have been of great educational value.

In the natural environment of the school, Calderón shared experiences about "The Wax Ghost", his first book, written with the aim of helping to overcome fears. In this sense, he clarified (confessing that he felt fear as a child and overcame it) that "positive thinking erases negative thoughts, and thus eliminates fear."

Likewise, Calderón explained the reason for incorporating fun tongue twister games (some of which are over a hundred years old) evoking his grandmother and stories related to his childhood, which taught him to overcome the fears that block him from facing dangerous situations. “Fear is in our heads,” he stated. He invited them to play with words, since "language is fun if we play with the musicality of language."

He also brought us closer to his works "The lit sky and other mysteries", "The mummy who loved me" and "Juliet without Romeo", worked on in class.
He affirmed that "Juliet without Romeo" is a story of true love, which goes beyond the physical, which crosses borders, because, in his opinion, there is no engine that further drives the world and the human being to continue improving like love .
For this, he recounted his experiences in the city of Manila, the cultural shock and the situations of poverty and injustice, which affected his life and the work of eternal love that arose there.
The author taught young people to look for beauty inside, to be aware that it is what really matters and lasts, beyond the physical appearance.
He clarified that, just as friends are not chosen for their physical appearance, in love personality must also prevail over external appearance.

This writer born in Malaga, who has been a finalist for the Planeta Prize and winner of the Fernando Lara Prize, also awarded a Silver Microphone from the Association of Radio and Television Professionals for his contribution to the world of culture, encouraged people to acquire the habit of reading, despite current technological stimuli: "it is necessary to make the effort to read, even for five minutes a day, not only to avoid spelling mistakes, but because it provides vocabulary and gives more freedom of expression."

The students, very receptive, actively participated in these sessions that served to promote a taste for reading, not in vain the Founder of the Cirene publishing house, with works translated into many languages, highlighted the value of books "with them worlds are discovered and travel further, meeting people from other cultures”.
Finally, he cordially answered all the questions raised and signed copies of his books.

It has been a true honor for our center to receive Emilio Calderón, whose new work will be published in a few days and whom we hope will also reap great success. Read more

The students of the 1st year of Baccalaureate, in the subject Universal Literature, have carried out interesting projects on Jane Austen, a British novelist from the Georgian era.
To carry out the presentations of this classic of English literature, they have developed highly original ideas for learning by teaching and teaching by learning.
Thus, they have carried out, with great enthusiasm, posters, drawings, cardboard... coming to characterize this author in her exhibitions to explain to her colleagues the topics covered by this author, as well as the irony, humor and great sensitivity present in her works. plays.
They have even dared with a trailer for one of his immortal works, Emma.
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The Department of Language of the Alborán school has participated one more year in the Poetry Contest for schoolchildren "Poetas del 27", convened by the Department of Culture of the City Council of Malaga, through the Network of Municipal Public Libraries that recognizes the work of the teachers who promote and encourage reading and poetic writing among minors and young people.
The Municipal Libraries Network organizes this contest, with massive participation, since students from all educational centers in Malaga and its province participate in it.
The awards ceremony took place on Saturday, December 4 in Malaga.
To all those who could not attend, we present today in our center the prizes, the trophies and the precious collections of poems with all the winning poems published.
Seven participants from different courses of our school have been awarded. We offer our most sincere congratulations to the winners, finalists and all our participants, while we encourage all our students to continue writing to prepare for the next contest.

In the Modality of the Second Cycle of Primary:

  • Marcos Reque García (Finalist) for his poem “Chess”.
  • Sofía Velilla Nitzak (Finalist), for her work “Amar”.

In the Modality of the Third Cycle of Primary:

  • Niña Clews Bayer (Finalist), with her poetry “Spring”.
  • Oliver Martínez Sierra (Finalist), for “Together”.

And in the Second Cycle of ESO Modality:

  • Alejandra Cívico Vázquez (Third Prize), for her poem “Si”.
  • Carlota Mingo Marshall (Finalist), for “Against gender violence”.
  • Paula Lomeña Lara (Finalist), with “Libre”. Read more

The students of the 1st year of Baccalaureate in the subject of Universal Literature greatly enjoy their approach to myths, carrying out interesting and attractive works of this narrative subgenre with great dedication.

They present to their classmates the presentations that have arisen from their research work, while they develop creative projects related to some aspect of the myth studied.

Some of them have been: Pandora's box, The flight of Icarus, Cassiopeia, Psyche and Eros, Apollo and Daphne, The myth of Ariadne, Narcissus, Prometheus, the fire thief, etc.

Some works rich in content and form. Read more

Work done by Paula Caraballo to honor the Sinsombrero. Read more

Cristina Carmona's work on Antonio Machado, writer of the generation of '98.

March 21, World Poetry Day or Spring of Poets, was proclaimed by UNESCO on the spring equinox in order to "reflect on the power of poetic language and the flowering of the creative capacities of each person."
At our school, through the Language Department, we have contributed to celebrating this Day, developing precious projects with Secondary students that are exhibited at school and in class whose purpose is to awaken poetic sensitivity and educate literary creativity.
In addition, we have held poetic recitals and multiple readings, in which a group of students have visited the classrooms of the last cycle of Primary Education and ESO to declaim before their classmates poems of their own creation, very varied in form and theme, that try to foster a taste for poetic texts. “Each poem is unique. In each work beats, to a greater or lesser degree, all poetry. Each reader looks for something in the poem and it is not unusual for him to find it: he already had it inside” (Octavio Paz).

From Colegio Alborán we invite you to reflect on the capacity and power of poetic language to transmit emotions and suggest feelings, as Lorca affirms "Poetry is something that walks in the street". Read more

"Poetry is the genre of ultimate and irreversible sincerity" – Mario Benedetti.
“Poetry is a weapon loaded with the future” – Gabriel Celaya.
«Painting is silent poetry; poetry blind painting» – Leonardo Da Vinci.
Images made by Sebastián Sánchez-Stewart Tovar and Zaira Rivilla Morales in the field of "Image and Sound" and by Héctor Asesio González, from the Arts High School. Read more

At Colegio Alborán we are really excited. Violeta Monreal, a highly prestigious writer and illustrator who virtually visited our center on Tuesday, has sent us an email to congratulate us on the organization of the activity carried out, as well as on the exemplary behavior of our students during the online literary meetings.

Likewise, he has presented us with the drawings made in the sessions and expresses his most sincere gratitude to the entire team and the Department of Letters.

We appreciate your words and the beautiful gift, hoping to receive it in person on another occasion. Read more