
Literary meeting with Ana Alonso. 2021-22

The Language Department of our center, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house, has developed an enriching literary meeting on March 8 with Ana Alonso, a reference in children's and youth literature, as part of the activities carried out for International Women's Day.
Our students of three Secondary courses enjoyed this interesting reading animation activity, in two sessions of great educational value.
The writer, poet and translator shared experiences on the works worked on in class El sueño de Berlín, (winner of the Anaya Prize for Children's and Youth Literature), in which she highlighted that "you need a dream, an aspiration to fight for and get out del Pozo de los problemas” and Mares de plástico, which conveys values ​​of fighting for environmental cleanliness while breaking gender stereotypes.
Ana Alonso, who has been writing stories and poems since grade 5 in the school magazine, confessed that writing is useful "to live what cannot be lived in the real world."
He clarified in a very close encounter that at the beginning he wrote in search of a refuge and when he was studying at the university he published his first book of poetry thanks to a contest that he won.
The author encouraged writing and reading youth literature and especially poetry, stating that precisely, given so many audiovisual stimuli "now reading is more necessary than ever, because we need imagination."
In addition, he took advantage of the occasion of Women's Day to convey a message of equality to the young attendees, declaring that, although there are films and literature in which manipulation is shown as romantic love, "a relationship that is not based on power neither control is really authentic, the rest can be toxic”.
The students, very receptive, actively participated in these sessions that served to foster a taste for reading and writing.
He exposed, in a relaxed atmosphere, what it is like to write co-authored, in his case with the writer Javier Pelegrín, (his work and life partner), comparing the film script with literary language.

Finally, the author, who has published more than 150 books and has won many awards, kindly answered all the questions asked and signed copies of her books.

It has been a true honor for Colegio Alborán to receive Ana Alonso, in an activity that helps so much to develop creativity.