
Day of poetry. 2020-21.

March 21, World Poetry Day or Spring of Poets, was proclaimed by UNESCO on the spring equinox in order to "reflect on the power of poetic language and the flowering of the creative capacities of each person."
At our school, through the Language Department, we have contributed to celebrating this Day, developing precious projects with Secondary students that are exhibited at school and in class whose purpose is to awaken poetic sensitivity and educate literary creativity.
In addition, we have held poetic recitals and multiple readings, in which a group of students have visited the classrooms of the last cycle of Primary Education and ESO to declaim before their classmates poems of their own creation, very varied in form and theme, that try to foster a taste for poetic texts. “Each poem is unique. In each work beats, to a greater or lesser degree, all poetry. Each reader looks for something in the poem and it is not unusual for him to find it: he already had it inside” (Octavio Paz).

From Colegio Alborán we invite you to reflect on the capacity and power of poetic language to transmit emotions and suggest feelings, as Lorca affirms "Poetry is something that walks in the street".