
Literary meeting with Emilio Calderón. 2021-22

The Language Department of the Alborán School, in coordination with the Anaya publishing house, has been able to develop a stimulating literary meeting on February 17 with Mr. Emilio Calderón, historian, editor and writer with more than thirty books published including children's stories, novels, essays or Alexander's biography.

Our students in the last three years of Primary and 1st of Secondary were able to enjoy this interesting activity to encourage reading, in two sessions that have been of great educational value.

In the natural environment of the school, Calderón shared experiences about "The Wax Ghost", his first book, written with the aim of helping to overcome fears. In this sense, he clarified (confessing that he felt fear as a child and overcame it) that "positive thinking erases negative thoughts, and thus eliminates fear."

Likewise, Calderón explained the reason for incorporating fun tongue twister games (some of which are over a hundred years old) evoking his grandmother and stories related to his childhood, which taught him to overcome the fears that block him from facing dangerous situations. “Fear is in our heads,” he stated. He invited them to play with words, since "language is fun if we play with the musicality of language."

He also brought us closer to his works "The lit sky and other mysteries", "The mummy who loved me" and "Juliet without Romeo", worked on in class.
He affirmed that "Juliet without Romeo" is a story of true love, which goes beyond the physical, which crosses borders, because, in his opinion, there is no engine that further drives the world and the human being to continue improving like love .
For this, he recounted his experiences in the city of Manila, the cultural shock and the situations of poverty and injustice, which affected his life and the work of eternal love that arose there.
The author taught young people to look for beauty inside, to be aware that it is what really matters and lasts, beyond the physical appearance.
He clarified that, just as friends are not chosen for their physical appearance, in love personality must also prevail over external appearance.

This writer born in Malaga, who has been a finalist for the Planeta Prize and winner of the Fernando Lara Prize, also awarded a Silver Microphone from the Association of Radio and Television Professionals for his contribution to the world of culture, encouraged people to acquire the habit of reading, despite current technological stimuli: "it is necessary to make the effort to read, even for five minutes a day, not only to avoid spelling mistakes, but because it provides vocabulary and gives more freedom of expression."

The students, very receptive, actively participated in these sessions that served to promote a taste for reading, not in vain the Founder of the Cirene publishing house, with works translated into many languages, highlighted the value of books "with them worlds are discovered and travel further, meeting people from other cultures”.
Finally, he cordially answered all the questions raised and signed copies of his books.

It has been a true honor for our center to receive Emilio Calderón, whose new work will be published in a few days and whom we hope will also reap great success.