News and current affairs of the Alborán School in Marbella.


XXIX Cultural Week. Literature Day. Defense of the Ñ. 2017-18

The Ñ is part of a large number of words that are frequently used in our language. However, he has been on the verge of disappearing from the keyboards, despite the RAE's statement that "his disappearance represents a serious attack...

XXIX Cultural Week. Literature Day. Adopting obsolete words. 2017-18

Spanish is alive, constantly changing. The language is flexible, but this advantageous feature also has its downside; sometimes words disappear and we don't want them to go extinct. That is why the students of 1º ESO have…

XXIX Cultural Week. Literary meeting with the writer Yohana Anaya Ruiz. 2017-18

The proposal of Colegio Alborán is to carry out activities of animation and promotion of reading throughout the year. To commemorate April 23, World Book Day, nothing better than organizing a very interesting literary meeting for…

2017th Cultural Week. "A Parcel of Pigs" – Andrea Prior. 18-XNUMX

ANDREA PRIOR (writer & illustrator) visited our primary classes today to introduce her new book Parcel of Pigs: And other funny 'tails'. The children enjoyed having some of the poems read out loud and having their copies of the book…

EABE. 2017-18

As usual, the Alborán School is present wherever news related to the world of #Education is proposed. In this case, the appointment was in Benalmádena, at the EABE 2018 event, a meeting of hundreds of professionals…

The XXIX Cultural Week of the Alborán School begins. 2017-18

The XXIX Cultural Week of the Alborán School in Marbella begins today with Literary Day. Five very special days, with a multitude of enriching experiences, in which we are going to learn in a different way. Welcome! (Design…

The Alborán College from a bird's eye view. 2017-18

D-Ingravity, the company that runs our extracurricular robotics and drone assembly activity, wanted to offer us with the following video a new perspective of the Alborán School, captured from the camera of one of these devices.…

The Alborán School, cover of Solkysten magazine. 2017-18

We love the interest that Colegio Alborán arouses among the Nordic community. We want to thank the Scandinavian magazine Solkysten for the article they have dedicated to us, as well as for having selected our center for their cover of…

"Hablar Curso Rimado" poetic recital dedicated to Vicente Núñez. 2017-18

The students of the four Secondary and 1st Baccalaureate years of Colegio Alborán, through the Department of Language and Literature, have had the opportunity to participate on April 19 in a very interesting session of the Cycle "Talk...

Delivery of ABAKIN-2 diplomas in the 3rd year of Primary Education. 2017-18

We want to congratulate our 3rd year Primary Education students for all the commitment and enthusiasm they have shown during the development of the UCMAS programme. As a result of all that good work done, last week they received in a…