University Postgraduate. 2016-17

At a time when the society of this XNUMXst century is advancing dizzyingly on the back of the new era of knowledge and information from technology, the School and its main protagonists must know how to position themselves to try not to lose, in a short time. , the meaning it should have in its social function.

One of the great challenges of schools is to update their educational, pedagogical and social projects in this sense. The Colegio Alborán has opted for this position, for this reason it has become the headquarters of a Two-year postgraduate degree, taught by the Maecenas Foundation  and issued by the LaSalle University, in which teachers from our center participate together with teachers from other schools in the province of Malaga. One weekend of each month they meet at the Alborán facilities to carry out this training.

The purpose of this training course is to develop common learning and evaluation strategies and methods so that the process makes sense, analyze trends and needs, and promote the use of methodologies, allowing the acquisition of key skills to function independently at the dawn of the XXI century.

Here we leave you some photos of the past weekend in which we formed, at the hands of jose picoOn "Create and innovate educational spaces under the Design Thinking methodology".