Tag listing: noticia

Singing under the rain. 4th of Early Childhood Education. 2017-18

Taking advantage of the recent rainfall, our boys and girls from 4th grade of #EducaciónInfantil have been able to carry out a new activity of their project on water. Nothing like jumping, dancing and singing "Gene Kelly" to discover a…

Mathematical ScapeRoom. 2017-18

To continue with the work on algebraic operations, the students of 3rd year of ESO have participated in a Mathematical ScapeRoom during one of the class sessions. The objective was to get out of the garden and for this, the teams had to use all…

3, 2, 1… Action! 2017-18

How do you learn more, with theory or with practice? Theoretical contents are necessary to advance in the learning of any area of ​​knowledge, but in order to retain them and make them useful, it is better to experiment...

Volunteers at the Peace Dinner. 2017-18

As in previous years, the students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Baccalaureate of the Alborán School have collaborated as volunteers in the Peace Dinner of the Bazar de Cáritas, held last weekend at the Marbella Conference Center. From…

Visit to Zuheros and Priego de Córdoba. 2017-18

Our 2nd ESO students, as part of the Out-of-Class Activities Program, visited the towns of Priego de Córdoba and Zuheros last week. Immersed in the heart of Cordoba subbética, from Priego we can highlight its impressive…

Partners for a day. 2017-18

Our 2nd year Baccalaureate student, Denis Kulyukin, has participated in the educational program “Partners for a day”. This proposal, promoted in our center by the Department of Economy and offered by Junior Achievement, provides the…

Visit of the father of Claudia and María. 1st and 2nd of Primary Education. 2017-18

Our 1st and 2nd grade students have received a visit from Claudia and María's father. Miguel, a traumatologist, has explained to us what the bones of our skeleton are like and what some of them are called. We have also learned...

Saint Cecilia. 2017-18

Today we celebrated Santa Cecilia at our school. And we have done it thanks to the involvement of our students and the Music Department, which has flooded every corner of our Center with chords and melodies, simultaneously...

Exams Andalucía recognizes the work of Colegio Alborán for its promotion of Cambridge exams. 2017-18

Alborán School has received recognition from Exams Andalucía, the largest examination center in Europe, in charge of the official Cambridge English Language Assessment exams in Eastern Andalusia, for the promotion that…

The good deals. 2017-18

On November 20, our 3rd and 4th ESO students attended the theatrical performance "Los Buenos Tratos". This campaign is an initiative to prevent and raise awareness against gender violence and for education in equality,…