Tag listing: noticia


57th edition of the Young Short Story Talent Contest. 2016-17

The Colegio Alborán has participated, through the Department of Language and Literature, in the Coca-Cola Young Talents Contest, Short Story Award, which this year reaches its 57th edition. This year there have been six participants in…

Visit to the Málaga Customs Museum. 4th of ESO.

With the visit of 4th ESO this Friday, the project that, coordinated by the Department of Cultural Activities, has made the history and art of Malaga known to our students, through a visit to the Museum of Malaga located…

Your finances, your future. 2016-17

During the 7th, 14th and 21st of March, a complementary activity was carried out in our center for the curriculum of the 4th ESO Economics subject. This series of interesting conferences have been developed through the Association…

Literary meeting with Patricia García-Rojo Cantón. 2016-17

We believe that one of the most enriching activities for students is meeting with writers, as it represents a perfect excuse to encourage students to read and learn directly about the process of creating…

Gamification in 2nd year of Primary Education. 2016-17

On other occasions we have seen how board games can become an interesting educational tool and even more so when they are conveniently adapted to the content being worked on in class. These kinds of activities...

March 21: World Poetry Day. 2016-17

World Poetry Day, also called Spring of Poets, was proclaimed by UNESCO and is celebrated on March 21, on the spring equinox in order to "reflect on the power of poetic language and the flowering…

Activity to encourage reading. Leo-Leo. 2016-17

Coinciding with World Poetry Day and in collaboration with LeoLeo magazine, an interesting activity to encourage reading was carried out today in which all the boys and girls from…

The Alborán School, a pioneer among cardioprotected schools in Andalusia. 2016-17

Since last week, the Alborán School has been certified as a cardioprotected center, thanks to the acquisition of semi-automatic defibrillation equipment and the theoretical-practical training that the staff of the…

Celebrating Saint Patrick's Day. 2017-16

Lá Fhéila Pádraig Sona Daoibh! (Happy Saint Patrick's Day) from Colegio Alborán. We all had a 'whale of a time' celebrating today!

Visit to the Museum of Malaga. First Cycle of Secondary Education. 2016-17

Today the students of the First Cycle of Secondary Education have enjoyed the visit to the Museum of Malaga which, located in the old Customs building, was inaugurated last December. This second outing...