Tag listing: noticia

Photographic Exhibition at the Alborán School. 2020-21

Our center hosts a fantastic photographic exhibition this month. At the entrance and corridors of the school, a representation of the images corresponding to the VII Photographic Marathon is exhibited. Everyone who walks down the hall can…

Ecological garden. 2020-21

The organic garden is already prepared. We have cleared and plowed the land and we are looking forward to our students starting to work on the different plots. Along with the farm, the orchard is one of the proposals…

"Historizing". 2020-21

An app specially indicated for students and teachers of the subject of History of Spain who want to prepare for the selectivity (EBAU) in another way, more dynamic and complete, more pedagogical and creative, is born. This application…

Halloween. 2020-21.

Halloween provides a special motivation to work with our students, especially in Early Childhood and Primary Education. That is why, during this week a series of activities has been carried out that, taking advantage of this event,…

Celebration of "El Tostón". 2020-21

As every year, the Colegio Alborán has joined one of the most popular and endearing traditions: the Day of the Tostón. Our students and the staff of the center have enjoyed some tasty roasted chestnuts in the open air, in an environment…

VII Alborán College Photographic Marathon. 2020-21

On October 28, the prize-giving ceremony for the VII Colegio Alborán Photographic Marathon took place, in which our Artistic Baccalaureate students participated. This year, in addition to the students of 2 of Baccalaureate…

Structural and organizational reforms against COVID. 2020-21

About to end this month, at Colegio Alborán we continue to offer the best of ourselves. With the aim of providing and maintaining the best possible educational contexts, our center is committed to firm compliance…

IV Congress "What really matters". 2020-21

During today's session, our 1st and 2nd year Baccalaureate students have had the opportunity to attend the IV Congress "What really matters". Due to the current health situation, this year's format has been "on-line",...

Video of the VII Colegio Alborán Photographic Marathon. 2020-21

This video is a selection of photographs taken by the Artistic Baccalaureate, Image and Sound and Tic students who have participated in the VII Photographic Marathon. Under the slogans "Nature and Corners Alborán" and "Free Theme",...

Award ceremony to the Alborán School of the Second Prize of the Manos Unidas Clip Film Festival. 2020-21.

We have received in our own center the award corresponding to the Second Prize of the Manos Unidas Clip Film Festival last year, in the absence of an in-person award ceremony this year. Our students from the last year of…