One day in Round. 3rd and 4th of Primary Education. 2016-17

Within the academic program «Education and Culture Outside the Classroom»  and as a complement to the academic training of our students of 3st and 4nd of Primary Education, we have made an attractive excursion with a clear cultural character to visit the town of Ronda and its most significant heritage and monumental environment. After a tour of the old town, our students have been able to visit, among others, the Plaza de Toros and Real Maestranza, the new El Tajo and its viewpoint, the Tajo gardens, the old bridge and the Arch of Felipe V, the Palacio del Moorish and Salvatierra King, Arab Baths, Mondragón Palace and Museum, Basilica of Santa María La Mayor, Plaza Mayor, Bandolero Museum and defensive system with the walls and gate of Los Almocárabes.

A fun and enriching day in which all the participants have been able to value and enjoy our patrimonial and monumental past in-situ, learning to value, respect and preserve it.