Advertising videos. 2023-24.

We offer you the advertising spots that our students from the two Baccalaureate courses make in the subjects of Image and Sound and Audiovisual Culture during the course.
The students express their creativity in these advertisements, after creating their creative strategy for a very specific target, taking into account set objectives and their marketing and communication plan.

Very original advertisement made by David, Jesús, Rahul and Dani, whose advertised product is not discovered until the end. Humor and mastery of advertising techniques.

Institutional announcement made by Ariana, Irene, Carlota and Celia. From the DGT, to raise awareness of the danger of alcohol consumption while driving.

In this institutional advertisement, Tiana, Carla and Daniel raise awareness about violence against women, in which they include current archive images.

With this video made by Elena and Alba, from 1st year of Baccalaureate, to commemorate the day for the elimination of violence against women, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of respect and freedom in love and friendship.

Julia, Sofía, Alejandro, Minerva and Lucía, from 2nd year of Baccalaureate, have made a video against gender violence in order to make this reality visible in order to help the victims.

Advertisement made by Lucas, from 2nd year of Baccalaureate, to promote skiing equipment. Combining sport and culture, with very suggestive plans:

In this advertising spot, Anastasia and Elena advertise a shampoo highlighting the strength it leaves in the hair as an advantage of the product, for which they make a comparison with the beauty and strength of horses.

This advertisement has been made by Alicia and Manuela to raise awareness among viewers about the need to help the Palevlas protector, highlighting the work they do and raising awareness about the importance of adopting and donating food to this protector, which does not receive any state aid.

In this humorous advertisement, our students Hugo, Miguel, Alfonso, Cristóbal and Alejandro, as if it were a silent movie, promote paper tissues.

In this advertisement, Julia and Elena from 1st Artistic Baccalaureate promote the Blue fuel energy drink, with the aesthetics typical of this product category according to the target audience.

Alba and Carmen from 1st year of Arts Baccalaureate promote with this advertising video a line of youthful lip paint, called Menal, which rhymes with “your lipstick”, with which each young person smiles in their own way.