Visit to Ardales. 1st of ESO. 2018-19

The students of 1st of ESO, accompanied by their tutor and Don Paco, tenured professor in the subject of Social Sciences, have visited the town of Ardales. With this day, we continue to develop the theoretical-practical project that this department has launched so that some of the thematic contents that our students must prepare are carried out in situ.

On this occasion, the output is linked to the knowledge of Prehistory. After the excursion they took to Píñar to see the Cueva de Las Ventanas, today it was the turn of the Museum of Prehistory of Guadalteba. In it, accompanied by professional archaeologists, they have not only been able to visit, but have also been able to participate and work in a practical class that has been carried out in one of the most important prehistoric archaeological sites in Spain, the Doña Trinidad Grund Cave. in Árdales, within the “Education and culture outside the classroom” program.