
60th Edition Young Talent Short Story Contest. 2020-21

This year there have been eight participants from our 2nd and 3rd ESO center who on Saturday, March 13, have enjoyed the adventure of being writers for a day.
The Language Department of our center has been in charge of coordinating the participation of its students in the Coca-Cola Young Talent Short Story Contest, which this year, reaching its 60th edition, will be completely digital, with very precise instructions, although not less exciting for everyone.
This important Literature Contest, whose objective is to encourage young people's interest in writing and reading, which is held simultaneously throughout Spain, is the longest running in our country.

Based on an original narrative stimulus, revealed online that same day, our brave students had to compose their story using the character from the text that they have just been presented as the protagonist, freeing their imagination to tell a story, with ingredients such as their creativity and enthusiasm. .
We wish good luck to Elena, Carmen and Daniel (2º ESO), to Lola, Alejandra, Sofía and Milan (3º ESO) and we congratulate them for having participated