
Alborán School – Collection of bulletins. 2019-20

Dear Parents,

We inform you that to access the interview with the tutor and the collection of bulletins, two conditions will be necessary:

1-Delivery the device and the charger.
2-Be up to date with payments.

We will do it following the protocol that we already sent you.
Thanking you in advance for your collaboration, receive a cordial greeting.

Alboran College
Dear parents,

We would like to inform you that, if you wish to meet with your student/s tutor, you will need to:

1- Return the student/s' digital device with its charger.
2- Be up to date with all school payments.

We will follow the same protocol for the meeting as for the report card pick up, which we explained in our previous email.

Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.

Best regards
Alboran College