Art and recycling. 4th of Primary Education. 2022-23

Our 4th grade #PrimaryEducation students have carried out an interesting project in the subject of Art! 🎨🌱!
For the past few weeks, our students have been hard at work using recycled materials they brought from home. They have assembled a wide variety of packaging, plastics and cartons, and with their boundless creativity, initiative and team spirit, they have enjoyed the whole process. 🏭🌍
Through experimentation, exploration and their own experiences, our students have acquired valuable lessons about the importance of recycling. They have reflected and discovered for themselves how each of us can make a difference in preserving our planet. ♻️💚
We are truly proud of the work and commitment shown by our young artists. Your creations are absolutely amazing! 🌟😍
Let us take this opportunity to applaud their dedication and congratulate them on their contribution to environmental awareness. Let's continue to inspire more people to join this noble cause.
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