Entries of] Webmaster Colegio Alborán

Trip to Prague. 3rd of ESO. 2023-24

El alumnado de 3º de ESO ha participado en una fantástica visita cultural, organizada por el Departamento de Actividades del Centro, a una de las ciudades más bellas del mundo y que está catalogada como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Dentro del programa de actividades lectivas “Educación y cultura fuera del aula”, se […]

Trip to Madrid and downtown area. 2023-24

The Center's Activities Department (DAC) has organized an exciting trip for the 6th grade students, full of fun, culture and learning under the motto 'Because traveling is walking... a dream'. We begin our adventure exploring the charming Castilian-La Mancha town of Consuegra, with its impressive Windmills and its imposing medieval Castle. After we […]

Cadizfornia. 2023-24

Discovering 'Cadizfornia' with the blue getaway of the Alborán School! 🌊🛹 Our Secondary School boys and girls have immersed themselves in some exciting days of surfing and skateboarding, organized by the Department of Physical Education and with the collaboration of Cadizfornia Surf School, on the beaches of Chiclana de la Frontera. A unique experience with the […]

Mother's Day. 2023-24

Next Sunday is Mother's Day, a very special date on which we celebrate and honor all the mothers in the world. Children and Primary Schools have already prepared the gifts that they have made with so much effort and love. We want to invite all Alborán School families to celebrate this day […]