Artistic Baccalaureate blog posts

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Manos Unidas Film Festival. 2015-16

The Alborán School once again joins the initiative for the challenge of hunger. Our 4th ESO and Baccalaureate students, of the Artistic Baccalaureate modality and the Media subject, participate in the Clip Film Festival…

Christmas video. 2015-16

The students of the Alborán School, together with the teachers and non-teaching staff, congratulate you this Christmas season with this video made by María Mittroti, Rocío Martín, Shah Hering and Rafa Del Pozo, students of Artí…

Lecture by the artist Javier Martín. 2015-16

On December 17, the Alborán College hosted a very interesting conference by the artist Javier Martín. This contemporary artist, who has exhibited in China, South Korea, the United States, France, Germany, Panama, Peru...

Christmas decoration. 2015-16

The Christmas holidays are approaching and the Artistic Baccalaureate students want to share with all of us the best and most creative Christmas decoration, made by themselves for the Alborán School. Thus, 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate...