Talk «The violet glasses» by Paula Morais Montes. 2016-17

Paula Morais On December 20, she visited our school, her school, where she studied and trained from the age of 3 to the 2nd year of Baccalaureate, to give a talk on feminism and gender equality.
Under the title "The Violet Glasses", wanted to explain the metaphor used by the writer Gemma Liens in "Carlota's purple diary» about the existing gender inequality in the world.
During her visit, she demolished the false clichés that are still used about feminism and defended gender equality.
He analyzed, in an entertaining way, with humor and closeness, the image of women in the media and especially in advertising.
The attending Secondary and Baccalaureate students actively participated and, most importantly, learned a lot from their partner until two years ago and who is now studying Journalism and Audiovisual Communication.
There was also room for the role and stereotypes of women in the cinema. In this way, she showed the small percentage of female characters and the scant relevance of her in the plot of the works.
In this sense, she affirmed, following Marian Edelman that "you cannot be what you cannot see": it is very difficult for women to fight for their dreams and ambitions when they do not have any reference or example that it is possible to achieve them. She also spoke of the "glass ceiling", those invisible limits that women encounter in the workplace and that can be extrapolated to other contexts.
Likewise, there was time to address the cult of the body and other matters of great importance and current affairs.
Paula encouraged us to reflect deeply on the situation of women in today's world, while inviting us to take a more critical look, to question reality from a more egalitarian perspective.