Christmas decoration. 2015-16

The Christmas holidays are approaching and the Artistic Baccalaureate students want to share with all of us the best and most creative Christmas decoration, made by themselves for the Alborán School. Thus, 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate in the Arts modality has carried out different projects, which combine photography, drawing and design.

Using Zentangle as a technique, they have designed repeating patterns that cover an image by means of lines and planes. These repeated drawings arising from the ingenuity of our artists have served to set our school.

In addition, they have made a very original Christmas tree, decorated with photographic images, in which the small and young students are the decorations themselves and the stars that shine the most.

To all this we must add the centers for the Christmas table, which have filled the school canteen with light and a festive atmosphere.