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International poetry day. World Poetry Day. 2017-18

On March 21, World Poetry Day (World Poetry Day), also called Spring of the Poets, was proclaimed by UNESCO on the spring equinox in order to "reflect on the power of poetic language and the flowering of creative capacities of each person.

From the Departments of Language and Literature and English, at Colegio Alborán we celebrate this important Day and throughout the week we carry out poetic events and celebrations, while we develop projects that consist of precious photographs, drawings and texts that are exhibited at school and exposed in class.

The day before we participated in a poetry recital dedicated to Rubén Darío, within the Reading Project “Hablar Curso Rhymed”, coordinated by Antonio A. Gómez Yebra, and organized by the Marbella Town Hall.

In Secondary Education we have carried out poetic recitals and multiple readings, in which the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO have visited the classrooms of the last cycle of Primary Education and all the ESO courses to declaim poems of their own creation before their classmates , very varied in form and theme, which try to foster a taste for poetic texts.

All these activities serve to awaken poetic sensitivity and educate literary creativity in Spanish and English.

From Colegio Alborán we invite you to reflect on the capacity and power of poetic language to transmit emotions and suggest feelings, because as Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, affirms, "Poetry is a window to the exceptional diversity of humanity" .