Interview with Doña Tamara López López.

Teacher of ESO and Baccalaureate of Mathematics and Technology, Robotics Coordinator.

"With effort everything is achieved"

Paul 1: What did you study and why?
Tamara: I studied Telecommunications Engineering, I chose to study that career in 3rd year of ESO, when I found out that this specialty existed. In the first place, because I loved it, and I still love it, and also, because it was supposed to have a great professional and work future. And that they were going to raffle us, which didn't happen even remotely. (Smile).

Paul 2: What else would you have liked to study?
Tamara: Now that it exists, Biomedicine or Biotechnology, but in my time it did not exist.

Paul 3: What other jobs have you held?
Tamara: I have worked in the family business, a sports center coordinating reception and marketing where, in addition, I was in charge of the interviews, although I had never been interviewed. Also teaching classes in summer camps and as a congress hostess.

Paul 4: When did you feel a vocation for teaching?
Tamara: Well, the truth is that in my house they are physical education teachers, but at first I was not attracted to teaching, what's more, I considered it boring to have to put up with the students (Between laughs). And I oriented my vocation towards Science and Research, but during the time that I worked in the family business I realized that what I liked the most was, precisely, dealing with others, I loved when new employees arrived, being able to teach them all processes and all methods. So I did the Master's Degree in Teaching to dedicate myself to teaching and I already started looking for schools to work in, having the great luck to start here.

Paul 5: We know that you studied at Colegio Alborán, what is the best experience you remember as a student at this school?
Tamara: I studied from primary to 2nd ESO. I remember with great affection the trip with Don Paco to the North of Spain, it was wonderful. It was the biggest trip I did without my parents and with my entire class group. Also, I learned to sleep very quickly anywhere (Laughs).

Paul 6: And as a teacher?
Tamara: A very good experience was seeing how a student who had a hard time in Mathematics obtained a 7 in Selectividad, it was a great joy. That is why I am convinced that with effort everything is achieved.

Paul 7: And what do you think of the school as a mother?
Tamara: I am delighted, happy to have my three children here, I really believe that there is no school that is more complete than this at an educational level. They are learning to defend themselves in public, they have a good pronunciation in English and a high educational level. But above all I am happy for the emotional and human part that is taught to them.

Besides, it's a bargain from a logistical point of view, because, as a mother, sharing the same hours as my children and the same location helps a lot.

Paul 8: What is your opinion about all the technological advances that the school is experiencing?
Tamara: We are preparing a lot, although we need a lot of time for it. I think the school is on the right track, and we are very excited and eager, and we are beginning to see fruits and ways to use them productively. In addition, with the new methodologies, greater motivation is achieved in students, both extrinsic and intrinsic, thus making the acquisition of knowledge much more natural and meaningful.

Paul 9: Finally, how do you see the future of the current student promotions?
Tamara: I see it complicated. It's just that right now finding a good job is hard. There is a lot of competition. I hope that by the time you finally finish university there will be more expectations for you. You are going to spend a few years in which you will earn little money, although you will learn a lot. But, in general, I think that you will be able to find your own way, since you are very prepared and well trained. I am optimistic with the generations of students.

By Pablo Alvarez Serrano