French Film Festival. 2016-17

Last week, the Colegio Alborán's Department of Français organized two outings to the French Film Festival in Malaga for Secondary Education and 1st year Baccalaureate students.


Monday October 17.

The students of 4th of ESO and 1st of Baccalaureate attended the screening of the film "Our three or laugh" César Award winner in 2015 and nominated for Best First Feature. A comedy-drama based on true events, made by filmmaker director Kheiron. The attendees were able to delve into the irreducible optimism of some characters who, in the 80s, made a trip from a small town in the south of Iran to Paris, enjoying, learning and listening in another language such as Français.



Friday 21 of October.

The students of the first cycle of Secondary Education attended the projection of the animated film "Le Petit Prince" winner of a César Award for best animated film and a nomination at the Cannes Film Festival (official feature film section) in 2015. The film, starring a girl, takes place in the universe of "The Little Prince" and tries to remember attendees their childhood, making them understand that it only looks good with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.
With this cultural activity our students listened, got to know and learned forms of expressions in French, since this animation has been faithful to the work of the famous writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, known worldwide for his work "Le Petit Prince".