International poetry day. 2023-24

“Poetry is the union of two words that one never assumed could come together, and that form something like a mystery.” (Federico García Lorca)
March 21, World Poetry Day, is celebrated with the purpose of recognizing the importance of poetry as an art form that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, promoting creativity.
From the Departments of Language and English, at Alborán School we celebrate this Day, also called Spring of the Poets, developing poetic activities, while developing projects that consist of posters, drawings and lyrical texts that are presented in class.
Likewise, in the entrance and patio of the center, the projects developed to awaken poetic sensitivity and educate literary creativity are exhibited.
We have developed poetic recitals and multiple readings, in which a group of students from 5th and 6th grade of Primary and the first cycle of Secondary have visited different classrooms to recite beautiful and varied (in theme and form) poems of their own creation.
Likewise, the 1st year Baccalaureate students have made videos to commemorate this day, reciting a well-known poem by a renowned author, creating a poem for this day or explaining the origin of the commemoration of this day.
The Alborán School joins this day in reflecting on the capacity and power of poetic language to transmit emotions.
“(…)There may not be poets, but there will always be poetry” (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)


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