
Latin in our organic garden. 4th of ESO. 2017-18

We have inherited many cultural aspects from the Romans, but among them is not eating reclining on a triclinium. The students of 4th ESO, in addition to knowing their customs when eating and their favorite recipes, have been able to verify what foods the Romans preferred. Some of his preferences were as strange as flamenco languages ​​and others were much more familiar, such as cheese or legumes.

Of the most important legacies that survive in our current society, the scientific name in #Latin to name plants has made the work of scientists much easier. In this way there is no problem of identification between the different languages ​​of the world. To delve into this aspect, we have come with the list of names in Latin and thus check in our organic garden to which vegetables or fruits they corresponded, such as carrot "daucus carota" or garlic "alium" (who does not know the aioli? literally garlic-oil?)