MineCraftEDU in Elementary Education. 2016-17

Our Primary Education students have started working with #MineCraftEDU in the area of ​​Programming, Robotics and 3D Design. #Gamification, a term that we have already discussed on more than one occasion, is related to game-based learning. Studies on this subject confirm that they favor the development of cognitive abilities such as concentration or memory, along with psychomotor abilities by working on visual dexterity, spatial coordination, and perceptual discrimination that enhance autonomy, self-control, and creativity skills.

On the other hand, gamification is also related to game dynamics, that is, with the motivations or desires that are expected to be achieved by the player. To achieve these motivations, different game mechanics are used. That is, our students learn by playing.

As we can see, the combination of desires or motivations and the mechanics to achieve them make games successful. Applying these elements in classroom activities or projects would be gamification applied to education.

The first results that we have observed at the beginning of the sessions with Minecraft: Education Edition have been an exponential explosion of creativity and teamwork.

Music: http://www.purple-planet.com