News and current affairs of the Alborán School in Marbella.


You don't own me. 2020-21

At Colegio Alborán we work throughout the year and in each department to achieve a comprehensive education that includes universal values ​​such as respect and justice. For this reason, our students Lucía, Aitana and Sofía, from 2nd year of Baccalaureate,…

Visit from Loyola University. 2020-21

Today we received a videoconference visit from Loyola University. We want to thank Concha Arbaizar for her interesting presentation.

Manos Unidas Film Festival, Course 2020-21

For yet another year, students from various Secondary and Baccalaureate courses at our center are participating in the Clip Film Festival organized by Manos Unidas. The theme this year in its XII edition is "Right to health" and with it...

Thanksgiving Day. 5th Infant Education. 2020-21.

Throughout this week, the 5th Kindergarten class has been working on a mini project on "Thanksgiving". Various activities have been carried out on the history of the first day of Thanksgiving, but above all, it has encouraged…

Alborán Primary Reading Club School – Awards. 2020-21.

Our most busy little 'Bookworms' (definition - a person who reads a lot ) from 3rd to 5th of primary were given Certificates, as a reward for all of their fantastic reading. They adapted beautifully to accessing the library online instead…

Time capsule. 1st of Primary Education. 2020-21.

More than 3 years ago our boys and girls from 1st of Primary Education prepared a capsule of memories. In it they left stored the beautiful love letters that their parents had dedicated to them. Along with them, also...

Happy Thanksgiving Day. 2020-21

Our 1st and 2nd ESO students wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day and promote mask wearing to encourage safe behavior.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2020-21

The Alborán School has carried out various awareness-raising activities to commemorate one more year the International Day against gender violence. With all of them we intend to show every November 25 our rejection of violence...

Saint Cecilia. 2020-21

This year we did not want to stop attending one of our most traditional events, the Recital of Santa Cecilia. For this reason, the Department of Music, in collaboration with MusicFun!, has offered us a musical meeting for…

Burlington online seminar. 2020-21.

Colegio Alborán's Secondary English Department arranged three on-line seminars, hosted by Mr. Jon Ostler, from Burlington Books, to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd of ESO classes today. The seminars explored the topics of 'English Around the World'…