News and current affairs of the Alborán School in Marbella.

Kahoot in 6th grade of Early Childhood Education. 2018-19

Exciting Kahoot session in 6th grade of Early Childhood Education. Testing our reflexes with word recognition. gamification.

We visited the Caminito del Rey. 3rd of ESO. 2018-19

As part of the Environmental Education Activities Program, and to raise awareness among 3rd ESO students about the importance of conservation and respect for the environment, we have carried out a visit to the surroundings of the Complex…

Visit to Ardales. 1st of ESO. 2018-19

The students of 1st of ESO, accompanied by their tutor and Don Paco, tenured professor in the subject of Social Sciences, have visited the town of Ardales. With this day, we continue developing the theoretical-practical project that has been put…

Primary Education in Sierra Nevada. 2018-19

The practice of sport is very beneficial, almost fundamental, for the physical and mental development of the little ones, so it is a habit that we must instill from an early age. In addition, snow sports allow us…

Happy St. Patrick's Day (La Fheila Padraig Sona Daoibh) from all of us here at Colegio Alborán. 2018-19.

Activities at the school in celebration included, a short history lesson about the saint and the Irish traditions which have become part of this fun day. We also honed our artistic skills through games, pictures, songs, music and even tried…

Theater. Peter Pan. 2018-19

Attending a theatrical performance offers a series of benefits for students that are very interesting, beyond how much fun it may be and the knowledge they can acquire about classical works or other types of…

Thanks from Manos Unidas to Colegio Alborán. 2018-19

It is an honor for Colegio Alborán to have received this precious gift from the Manos Unidas Delegation of Córdoba, a gift with which they appreciate the effort, commitment and dedication of our center in its participation in the Festival…

International Women's Day. 2018-19

At Colegio Alborán we work in the classrooms throughout the year, and not only in March, on the subject of coeducation, since we consider the presence and visualization of women in the different disciplines of...

Video of International Women's Day. 2018-19

With this video, made by Eva and Léa for the 4th ESO Language and Literature subject, we commemorate International Women's Day and we want to raise awareness about the importance and need for equality between women and men...

Painting workshop on emotions. 2018-19

In 5th grade of Early Childhood Education we continue working on our quarterly project about monsters. On this occasion we have traveled to the Ohana facilities, in Mijas, to carry out a very stimulating and enriching day. TO…