Programming, Robotics and Technology at Colegio Alborán. 2016-17

At the beginning of October we started Programming, Robotics and Technology at Colegio Alborán with great success, in all the courses of Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate Education.

As we have said on other occasions “We learn by doing and reflecting on what we have done” (John Dewey). The main objective of education is to create people capable of doing new things and not simply repeating what other generations have done. That is why we saw the need to introduce the interdisciplinary subject of Programming, Robotics and Technology.

The reception by the students has been extraordinary, becoming from the beginning one of the activities that aroused the most enthusiasm for them.

learning with Scratch Junior and BeeBOT for the little ones, with Lego Wedo and Scratch for upper grades of Primary, as well as programming with KODU and RPG Maker or the assembly of MBOT in Secondary, they have managed to motivate them so much that, excited, they look forward to what the challenge of the next class will be. A week ago the students of 1st of the Technological Baccalaureate They have started with the assembly of the printer 3D, wishing to finish it to be able to print their 3D prototypes.

In our social networks we will inform you about the different activities that are carried out throughout this academic year.